15 Items Left
17 Points Left
Time-Stop Chill Zone


By: Rosanon
Version 1.2

Anon, hey, listen; I've seen all the shit you've had to go through. It's not fair, and it's not right -- even if you feel like you deserve it, you don't. I'm gonna help you out. See, I'm tired of having to see a bunch of people like you dying the lifelong death of a thousand paper cuts, and I've decided to use my power to grant you (the first out of many, I imagine) your very own Time-Stop Chill Zone, where you can spend as long as you want doing what you like, whether it be catching up on your backlog of games, working out for gains, or just cuddling all your stress away, over and over and over again untill you get sick of it and all your pain dies its own unfair death. I,m not super good at doing this yet, so you'll have to split some hairs for now, but I'll come back eventualy somewhere along the line to probably give you the rest.
Freebies >>>
There are some things you just shouldn't have to pay for; consider these on the house. You can turn them on or off at any given time at your discretion. [Time has Stopped], for example, causes problems if people enter/leave the Zone with it on.
Room type >>>
Go ahead and pick what your Zone looks like. This is mostly an aesthetic choice. You can have as big of or as many rooms as you like in whatever arrangement you like, but don't go overboard. It is a little taxing for me. You can also specify little details about the room that aren't covered, like if you'd like them to be connected by a particular kind of door. Go hog wild.
Entrance Method >>>
Decide how you're going to enter/exit the Zone. Please note: Physical items are soulbound and unbreakable. People can eject themselves from the Zone at any time, reappearing where they were before entering, and you can close off your Zone to entry/eject others if need be. If there's somehow no physical room left in the Zone, the Zone auto-ejects everyone.
Items >>>
Your Zone would be pretty empty with just furniture, so I have a few options that I think are pretty fucking snazzy. I don't care if you want to turn it into a gun range or an anime-binging pod. As long as you're having fun, I'm happy. You get 15 items. Don't get too attached. There's a few special offers later that cost items. Items can be duped at will.
Extras >>>
There are a few more things I can offer you that'll make your time in the Zone better. Or hotter, at any rate. Some are more valuable than others, so they've got point costs. For this section, you've got 17 points to spend.
All right, anon. I think that's about all I've got for you right now. You can go right ahead and start using your new place any time. When you're tired, scared, or lonely, you can go there, or you can go there when you just want a place to hang out. I do hope you have at least one person to share it with... I think that makes it a million times better, to have someone there with you, y'know? I think so, at least. Maybe you can tell who's waiting for me in mine by some of the images you've seen.. I like to think I made it easy to tell. Anyway, that's it for this one. I'm off to give this to another anon so they can have a place, too. I will try to come back sooner then later, but who really knows how long it'll be? Despite that, the smile on your face tells me you're going to be just fine.
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